Outdoor Patients

Outdoor Patients

Information For Patients

While you wait, we would like to provide you some information regarding Your Eye Check up at our hospital.

A complete eye check up requires special investigations both by eye doctors and the latest state of the art equipment. Moreover as you can also appreciate every eye is unique, so is yours and hence some require more time and some less.

The following details shall help you understand the effort taken at each step of your consultation to ensure a through detailed examination for the better health of your eyes.

Step 1 - Procedure Before you See a Doctor

Pre Registration : At the reception counter one of the front office executive shall request you to write your name, complete address and other details which help us in communicating with you better during your visit.

Registration / Billing : The reception staff shall register you with us and allot a registration number which will help us to computerize your information in the computer for all future reference, every time you visit or call our centre.

Step 2 - Primary Eye Check Up, Refraction and Intra Ocular Pressure ( IOP )

In a short while from now you will be asked to go to Optometrist's room. Here a details inquiry about your eye condition, its previous treatments or surgery and your past and family history will be documented a detailed examination of your eye will be done with special microscopes

Now the Intra Ocular Pressure ( IOP ) i.e. pressure of your eye will be checked with a automated instrument specifically designed for this purpose. Any abnormality in the eye pressure could mean something serious.

Optometrists will check your vision and do special tests to finalize the proper prescription of your glasses.

Step 3 - Dilatation Drops and Waiting

You shall now be requested to be seated in the waiting area and depending on the information given and your IOP ( Intraocular Pressure ), you will be advised for your eye's ( Pupils ) to be dilated for detailed examination of the inside of the eye.

In the main hall our executives will put the dilating drops ( Tropicacyl and Phenylepherine Drops ) in your eyes as often as necessary.

You are requested to sit with your eyes closed for better effect of the drops.

Why do you have to wait ?

As every eye is unique so is yours. Some eyes may need more drops and time than others. Hence some patients need more time in the waiting room as their eyes ( pupils ) do not get dilated easily.

Step 4 - Eye Doctor Consultation

Detailed examination of your eye will be done with special microscopes ( Slit Lamp Biomicroscope ) and Indirect Ophthalmoscope.

Now depending on your eye problem and provisional diagnosis, the doctor will do concerned further special consultation or for further specialized tests before giving any Medications or suggesting Laser / Surgery.